Hey 19! Vibrating Teen anal stroker- Ivy Jones

Hey 19! Vibrating Teen anal stroker- Ivy Jones

Ready Or Naught...


Now made with a buzzing bullet for a whole new level of stroking fun! Everyone’s buzzing about Hey 19!

Meet Ivy Jones,the petite, West Coast blonde that’s blowing it up on the art-porn circuit. This kinky pussy-lover is totally into ass-play, and loves a nice sweet dildo deep inside her… which she just might deep-throat after. She’s totally kinky and totally beautiful, and you rarely get both in a smoking-hot package like Ivy. Hit up one of her BDSM scenes online, and enjoy some tight, anal Hey19! stroking… with vibration.

Made from realistic skin-like TPR (ThermoPlastic Rubber), you won't find anything more real that doesn't have a pulse. Add a little of your favorite water based lube to make your sex even more realistic. Clean before and after each use with soap and warm water or toy cleaner.

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